Ascension Sojourns

From Ascension Sojourns
Revision as of 15:52, 22 August 2023 by WikiStaff (talk | contribs)
A MAGE 20th Anniversary World of Darkness Game accepting Mage Characters!
To connect, telnet to:
Our Discord server: [Ascension Sojourns Discord]
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We have notice some difference in the way various client display things, even when set to the same font and size. We've also notice some client take longer to connect to the game. We highly suggest BeipMu,which is available through the dev's github. [Beipmu github and download]

All information provided in these pages regarding M20 factions, character creation, game play rules, etc, come from Mage 20th Anniversary core book and supplements published by Onyx Publishing. We highly suggest looking to to obtain your own copies of any of the 20th Anniversary books.