House Rules

From Ascension Sojourns

General Rules


The more injured you are, the longer it takes to recover from those injuries. Game-wise, the Recovery Times listed on the Healing Damage chart add up. Example: If you have 2 level of lethal damage, it takes you 4 days to recover ( one day + three days).

Types of Damage:
Bashing: "...painful but survivable trauma, bashing damage represents the effects of blunt impact, short falls, psychic attacks, fistfight injuries, knockout gas, minor illness, most types of drugs, and other pains that the average person might walk away from. Story-wise, bashing damage comes across as bloody noses, bruises, aching joints, blurry vision, and so forth. It’s possible to die from bashing damage, but it’s not likely. Most characters can at least try to soak bashing damage – that is, absorb it with the Stamina "

Lethal: Lethal damage depicts the harm dealt out by guns, blades, long falls, sharp impacts, electrical burns, puncture wounds, deadly poisons, fatal diseases, and other harbingers of mortality. ... the average character cannot soak lethal damage. This type is likely to be the death of him.

Aggravated: “Agg damage” represents the most horrific injuries a person can sustain: fire, acid, virulent toxins, vampire fangs, radiation, explosions, and similar physical atrocities. On a metaphysical level, such damage tears apart the Pattern that binds a living thing together… and so, it follows that Life 3 and Entropy 4 Effects inflict aggravated damage by unweaving that Pattern. Thankfully, Life 3 can also reweave a damaged Pattern; such treatment demands vulgar magick and a point of Quintessence per health level healed, but it’s an improvement over dying.

Like lethal damage, aggravated damage cannot be soaked by most physical beings. Certain types of protection – armor plating, substances that have been hardened with Matter and Prime magick, or incredibly dense materials like lead vaults or steel bulkheads – can resist aggravated damage, but normal flesh cannot. Only time and magick can heal such harm; medical care provides long-term treatment but can’t patch it up with short-term First Aid.

Healing Damage

Bashing Damage
Health Level Recovery Time*   Health Level Recovery Time*
Bruised to Wounded One hour Crippled Six hours
Mauled Three hours Incapacitated 12 hours
Lethal and Aggravated Damage
Bruised One day Mauled Two months
Hurt Three days Crippled Three months
Injured One week Incapacitated Five months
Wounded One month

Health Chart

Health Levels Dice Pool
Movement Penalty
Bruised 0 Minor pain and swelling; he’s banged up but otherwise fine.
Hurt -1 Cuts, bruises, aches, perhaps bleeding but no major impairment.
Injured -1 Minor, painful injuries limit the character to half his normal movement.
Wounded -2 Notable injuries handicap him; the character can’t run but may still walk.
Mauled -2 Significant internal and external damage; character can hobble around (three

yards/ turn) but not move normally.

Crippled -5 Catastrophic injuries; character can only crawl (one yard/ turn).
Incapacitated N/A Character is unconscious from pain and trauma; no movement possible.
Dead N/A Another soul greets the Great Mystery.
  • Does not affect Avatar, soak, or Arete rolls

Lineage System

Ascension Sojourns is a generational game. This is a major component of Garou/Kinfolk theme, and it is illuded to in some Mage Tradition write-ups, such as the Verbena. As such, we have rules and rolls for having offspring.

Please see Lineage System for complete information

Sphere House Rules

Mage House Rules
Shifter General Help



At the time the roll is made, if an applicable specialty has been set, any 10 rolled equals 2 successes. With the exception of Lores, see above.

Sphere Vs Sphere

  • The Maya mentioned in Mage is the same reality zone as Changeling Dreaming. The easiest way to enter Maya is by going to sleep. However, if you need to force your way into or out of this realm Mind 3/Spirit 3 is required.


Learning Lores: In a game where all spheres are open for play, learning lores ICly is very easy.

Since not all spheres are in play, we will allow Libraries starting at level 3 to have 1 point of any single racial lore, per Library dot over 3.

See: Mage House Rules - for more IMPORTANT on Library and how Lores works in relation to the above. Such as xp costs.

**Chantry Libraries are, by their nature, bigger and have a more robust collection...potentially. Membership has its benefits. (Like accessing the restricted sections)

You are required to learn a General Lore before you can learn any lore under that.
The level you need in that general lore before specializing depends on how many sub-sections there are as follows below.

Your own racial lores are given free at chargen, but advances as below.

Second and Third level lores must be bought in-line for the same race. (Ie: Garou Lore > Fianna Lore)

General Lores (diamond symbol). Are bought at the same cost of knowledges. You need a general lore at 4 to get 1 dot of second level Lore (arrow symbol) free.

If you buy a general lore to 5 dots, and there are more second level lores for that race, you get another first dot free.

Second Level Lores (arrow symbol) are "current level" xp. This is to represent that some of what you learned was covered by your general lore. You need one of these at 3 dots to receive your first Third level lore (dots) for free.

Third Level Lores (dots) are 2xp per dot. Again, to represent that you learned some of this in previous levels.

Second and Third Level Lores are treated as buyable specialties. These will show up on your +specialties, but not your +sheet. There is currently no way to +prove these to another player. The opposing party can send in a +request for verification.


General Lore Only = starts at Diff 6 ---->Ex: You only have Mage Lore (Roll Int + Mage Lore vs 6)
Applicable 2nd-level "specialty" = starts at Diff 5 ---> Ex: You have Traditions in your +specialties (Roll Int + Mage Lore vs 5)
Applicable 3rd-level "specialty" = Each 10 rolled gives 2 succ ---> EX: You have Verbena Lore in your +specialties (Roll Int + Mage Lore vs 5, Each 10 rolled gives 2 succ instead of 1)

Dot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png - You can believe that anything exists, you just have no concrete proof of it. "Nothing new under the sun or moon" clause.
Dot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png - You have some proof positive experience that such things exist, you've seen one in person but you know more falsehoods than fact about that object.  
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png - You have a basic understanding of many of the myths or knowledge regarding that topic. An example would be a horror movie buff. Still not everything you know is accurate. 
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png - You have some actual contact with the subject of your lore and direct personal knowledge that cuts away many of the falsehoods about the subject. Many Hunters and members of the Inquisition possess this level of Lore. Things start getting dangerous, potentially.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png - A more than personal contact but direct knowledge or an information source about that topic, perhaps the source is the topic. Someone in that sphere (PC or NPC) knows what you know, for good or bad. 
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png - A knowledge and understanding of all the truths and perhaps more of the topic. For many supernatural races you are considered a danger and potential threat to be eliminated if your level of intimacy with their race becomes known. 
  If a lore you are looking for is missing, contact staff.        

Examples of Lore Progression

Judy buys Demon Lore 4 --> Chooses 1 dot free specialty lore Devils for free.

Robert buy Shifter Lore 3 --> Choose 1 dot free second level specialty Bastet

buys Bastet Lore up to 3 --> Choose 1 dot free third level specialty Khan

The Dreaming

The Changeling Dreaming is not in play here. This has no effect on Demense or other such backgrounds.

Legendary Attribute

This merit is not for purchase in chargen. Instead, each character is allowed 1 stat at "legendary" status (6 dots). This is achievable as a quest reward. You must first buy up to 5 dots on an attribute. When you have collected the (20) xp for the 6th dot, submit a +request with the Attribute you want to quest for. The quest must be completed successfully, it is possible to fail. If the quest fails, the collected XP is lost, and you will need to save the XP up again for another attempt. Once you achieve one attribute at 6, no other attribute can be raised to that level.