8L455 IDE
8L455 Integrated Development Environment - Correspondence - Mercurial Elites
A cross between "The Stacks" in "Ready Player One", "Tron", and a labryinth. It isn't that the province is disorganized, it is a reflection of the Mercurial Elites' control of Correspondence, and finding their way through it. Though they have been kind enough to keep major streets and landmarks generally aligned with the cardinal directions to make it easier for others to find their way about. *8L455 IDE Map
Valley of Solace
Entropy - Chakravant
The main focus of the valley is the cemetery which is peaceful and comforting, despite the purpose and meaning of the place. Headstones of various sizes are the only mark of someone's passing. There are no bodies buried here, instead bodies are cremated by magickal fire. The ashes are buried beneath each headstone. *Valley of Solace Map
Augury Tower
Forces - Order of Hermes
Hermetically sealed. *Augury Tower Map
Life - Verbenae
Anything from tree houses to hobbit holes, overgrown cottages to caves, housing is as eccletic as the traditions members.
But Life abounds in the province. The majority of food raised in the realm come from this province. *Vertsea Map
Mount Lokou
Mind - Akashayana
*Mount Lokou Map
Walden Cybernautical College - Matter - Society of Ether
Shrine of the Holy Lake
Prime - Celestial Chorus
Everything in the province seems more fresh, ethereal, clean, and energetic thanks to the Wellspring/Node
that resides in the province and is tended by Agnes Conway
All doorways in the province are some version with a pointed arch, whether it contains a door or not.
This reminds all in the realm to look to "The One".
Walkways in the province are cobbled from smooth river stone. *Shrine of the Holy Lake Map
Lodge of the Raven
Spirit - Khavadi
Time - Sahijaya
If one can derive pleasure from it, or lose track of time doing it, or stretch their boundaries with it,
IT maybe found here. Whatever IT might be. Pleasure for mental, social and physical interests can be found
in this province.
There is no true theme to the architecture of the province as everyone's tastes are
different. *Bacchanal Map
Government and Law Enforcement
See: Etherships page for info and logs
Unity vs Earth
In every way that matters Unity is a convincing reflection of Earth (with the exception there is no Dreaming, no fae). All layers of the umbra exist, though they may look different. Every type of landscape you find on Earth can be found in Unity. The only major difference is the level of technology, the lack of gas engines, pollution elements, and automations. Because of this, there is no "global warming" in Unity.
Unity Horizon Realm Maps
- See individual province maps in the province section above.
Game Inspiration
[Ascension mini-series.] Warning: adult content
[Galatica 1978] You'll have to find full episodes on your own.
More to come.