Order of Hermes

From Ascension Sojourns
Augury Tower.jpg
Province name: Augury Tower
Doctrines Organization Initiation Affinity Spheres Focus
Sects Architectural Themes Characters

Theme Information

The Order of Hermes is but a shadow of what it was on earth. In Unity they no longer have the strict heirarchy they were use to because the realm simply doesn't have the same number of hermetic mages. Not all houses are represented. The Hermetic leaders of earth refused to believe Talos was the threat everyone had been talking about. They even disbelieved the prophecies of their own House Fortunae. Those hermetics that presented themselves for migration vetting did so against the Order's wishes.

The province set aside the Hermetics that would rather stay in their ivory tower is just that, a tower, Augury Tower. Though hermetics, like all traditions, are welcomed to live in unity -in- Unity.

The hermetics are looked upon with a bit of contempt by the other traditions. It was their infighting that caused the fall of Doissetep, Horizon and almost wiped out mages as a whole. The will also never live down the betrayal of House Tremere, at least, thankfully so, there are no true Vampires in Unity.

For the hermetics in the realm, their history diverts in the year 2000. Anything that happened on earth after the migration (the second Massassa War, etc) did not happen in Unity, and they don't know about it either. Could this have been the destruction heralded by the Talos, the red star?

How will the Hermetics put themselves back together?


Sects that are struck through do not have representation in Unity amoung the original migrants.

Bonisagus. Specializing in magickal theory, Bonisagus mages are the scholars of the order and those who preserve and maintain the magickal secrets of Hermetic practice.

Ex Miscellanea. A political gestalt containing the lesser houses of Criamon, Jerbiton, and Merinita as well as several small cliques and individual practitioners.

Flambeau. The warriors of the Order. *slot is filled*

Fortunae. Master numerologists and diviners.

Hong Lei. Composed of those Wu Lung who parted ways from the Akashayana due to recent events.

Ngoma. Practitioners of African high magick who sought protection within the Order of Hermes during the strife of the early 20th century. Relations with non-Hermetic Ngoma are tense as a result.

Quaesitor. Authors and protectors of the Code of Hermes, the Queasitori manage the legal aspects of the Order’s dealings.

Shaea. Specializing in linguistics and True Names, House Shaea traces their roots to ancient Egypt.

Skopos. This growing house pursues fundamental control over reality through a combination of quantum physics and Hermetic numerology.

Solificati. House Solificati trace their lineage back to the original Tradition who occupied the seat of Matter until Heylel Teomim Thoabath betrayed his companions during the March of the Nine. The Solificati fractured in the aftermath, with some joining Ex Miscellanea while others formed the Children of Knowledge. In recent years, House Solificati have emerged as a Great House.

Tytalus. Masters of the will and Mind magick, House Tytalus seek exceptionalism within an Order of the exceptional. They strive to be the best of the best.

Verditius. Specializing in the creation, maintenance, and distribution of Wonders, House Verditius act as curators in peacetime and the Order’s armory in times of conflict.

Xaos. Rising from the ashes of House Thig, this house seeks to modernize Hermetic magick through the lens of Discordianism. Despite their heated disagreements with several other Great Houses, their practice continues to grow.



Common Paradigms are: Ancient Wisdom is the Key, Transcend your Limits, and We are All God(s) in Disguise


Elementalism and God-Bonding are utilized along with those supported by the above Paradigms.

True Names

Hermetics have many names, this is an example of a hermetic's names.

Birth Name: Sarah Katherine Miller
Craft Name: Ever Hargrave, bani Xaos
Shadow Name: Gabriel Sarah Katherine Ever Miller Hargrave, bani Xaos, Blackbird the Cailleach, Dirge of the Winter Court, Protector of the Vega, Trickster Extraordinaire
True Name: Gabriel Sarah Katherine Ever Miller Hargrave, bani Xaos, Blackbird the Cailleach, Dirge of the Winter Court, Protector of the Vega, Trickster Extraordinaire; In Caligine Abditus, Larmo Giltrep Vestruvoom Neelet Lur

