Mage Spheres
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*Note*: The "arch-spheres" from Masters of the Arts (revised) are included here to give players an idea of the power of an arch-mage. However, Master of the Arts is not a valid game resource.
Immediate Spatial Perceptions/ Landscape of the Mind
Sense, Touch, Thicken & Reach Through Space/ Correspondence Sensing
Pierce Space/ Open or Close Gates/ Co-locality Perceptions
Rend Space/ Ward/ Co-locate Self
Spatial Mutation / Co-Location
Fold Space/Create Space *
No Warding
Limits of Spirit *
No Limits
Sense Flaws, Fate & Fortune/ Ring of Truth
Control Probability
Affect Predictable Patterns
Affect Living Things
Affect Thought/ Shape Memes/ Binding Oath
Stultifying Order/Utter Chaos
Destiny of the Species
Breach Shroud/Deny the End
True Destiny
Perceive Forces
Manipulate Forces/ Elemental Touch
Transmute Minor Forces/ Telekinetics/ The Dragon’s Touch
Control Major Forces/ Gift of Zeus/ Weather-Witching
Transmute Major Forces/ Conjuring Infernos
Economy of Force/Sense Universal Force
Plate Tectonics
Toss Around Realms
Alter Universal Forces
Sense Life
Alter Simple Life-Forms/ Heal Self
Transform Simple Life-Forms/ Alter Self/ Heal Others
Alter Complex Life-Forms/ Transform Self
Transform & Create Complex Life-Forms/ Perfect Metamorphosis
Perfect Transformation of Others/New Life
Scale of Life/Infection
Create Shifter/Virus
Perfect Immortality
Matter Perceptions
Basic Transmutation
Alter Form
Complex Transmutation
Alter Properties
Alter State
Transform Pattern
Create Pattern
Subjective Reality<br
Sense Thoughts & Emotions/ Mind Shield/ Empower Self
Read Surface Thoughts/ Empathic Bond/ Create Impressions/ Mental Impulse
Mental Link/ Project Illusions/ Dreamwalk/ Psychic Blast
Control Conscious Mind/ Alter Consciousness/ Astral Projection
Control Subconscious/ Forge Psyche/ Untether Consciousness
Relive Past Lives/Sense the Universal Mind
Universal Subconscious/Reprogram Avatar
One Mind
Etheric Senses/ Consecration/ Infuse Personal Quintessence
Fuel Pattern/ Construct Patterns/ Enchant Patterns/ Body of Light
Channel Quintessence/ Enchant Life/ Energy Weapon/ Craft Periapts & Temporary Wonders
Expel or Infuse Energy/ Tap Wellspring/ Craft Tass & Permanent Wonders
Infuse or Withdraw Life Force/ Create Node & Soulflower/ Nullify Paradox
Paradox senses
Weave Odyllic Paradox/Violate Pattern
Channel Paradox
Expel Base Paradox/Create Universe
Spirit Sight/ Spirit Sense
Touch Spirit/ Manipulate Gauntlet
Pierce Gauntlet/ Step Sideways/ Rouse & Lull Spirit
Rend Gauntlet/ Seal Breach/ Bind Spirit
Forge Ephemera/ Gilgul/ Break the Dreamshell
Awaken Ephemera
Create Realm
Remember the One
Awaken Avatar
Time Sense
Past & Future Sight / Thicken the Walls of Time
Time Contraction or Dilation/ “Bullet Time”/ Rewind Time
Time Determinism/ Trigger Effect/ Time Bubble/ Anchor Point
Temporal Travel/ Time Immunity
Aid the Past
Go to the Past
Time Door [Aka Plot Door]
Exist Apart from Time
Ref: M20th Anniversary, M20 Prism of Focus, and Masters of the Art (Revised)