2023.11.18 Starbridge Repair Log

From Ascension Sojourns

2023.11.18 Starbridge Repair Log
Summaries of work done in Nov. 2023
IC Date November 9, 2023
Players Nicolas Simmons
Location Simmons Research Group

The posting below are summaries of work done. 
Current Status Report of 'The Starbridge' * Hull repaired * Standard STAR-TPU repaired * Hawking Drive - built and installed to provide FTL speeds.
Repairs Still Needed: * Officer Quarters (1) * Crew Berths (2/3) * Lifeboat pod (1/7) * Neutron Disruptor (1) - repair or replace * Plasma Disrupter (1 Gamma level) - repair * Any additional as deemed fit (with staff approval)
================================== IC: News ==================================
Message: 8/2                                                   Thu Nov  9 2023
SIRG on SIR                                                           20:00:30
Simmons Investigative Research Group have made a breakthrough into the 
investigation and repair of The Starbridge. 

Vertsea finally saw the growth completed on the twenty-four trees needed to start repairs on The Starbridge. Mr. Symington was able to transform the harvested wood into 14 metric tons of titanium alloy planks. Over the next months these planks will be welded into place to repair the mangled hull of the ship.

"While we still have a long way to go be space-ready, this is a huge stride in the right direction," commented Brad Vargas, Lead Tech, Maintanence Team 6. ==============================================================================
================================== IC: News ==================================
Message: 8/4                                                   Thu Nov 16 2023
Progress on ethership Starbridge                                      20:10:53
Dear colleagues, allies, and residents of our shared colony,

The news of the survival of the Earth and of humanity at large is joyous and welcome. Most of us had people we left behind. Though admittedly that news may be made bittersweet knowing what we left behind, we are here, and work goes on.

My work proceeds on expanding our reach in the universe. We have been trapped here, largely, for 20 years. Even if our illustrious guests have managed to get here, getting back is still beyond our reach. I will change that. I believe our best hope for mobility in the universe is to repair the Starbridge and make the ship able to escape the local space of our colony.

It would be irresponsible of me to speculate publicly on what caused the Starbridge's extensive damage. Buy me a coffee if you want to hear that in person. But whatever is causing such damage must be avoided, and the damage that was done must be repaired.

Thanks to the tireless work of the steadfast work teams of the Etherport, the Starbridge's hull has been repaired with superalloys from my lab. Further, I have managed both to repair the Starbridge's space drive, and give the ship an entirely new dimensional translocation drive. The Starbridge does not yet have the means to get back to Earth, as I have more work to do on that front. But soon we will be able to explore where we are.

Exo Toichos, Dr. Nicolas Simmons, SOE RES Principal Researcher, SIRG ==============================================================================