Nicolas Simmons

From Ascension Sojourns

ROSTER: This is a roster character.

11/21/23 - Available, App required

It's no better to be safe than sorry


Born August 23, 1977, Nicolas Simmons was born and raised in Huntington Beach, California. Growing up with an innate interest in science and computers, the 80s were a great time.

The 90s however were going down hill, that much was clear. But still, he kept true to himself, graduated high school well, and went to Harvey Mudd to get a degree in Engineering, which he would be able to complete just in time before everything changed.

In college, his views of the universe became firmer and firmer. Ironically, those views became more and more convinced that the pat answers about the universe were falling apart. String theory? Dark matter? Why didn't anything work? There must be more to it than the Standard Model!

Now, that sort of thinking, along with Nick's overall talent level, were empowered by the ineffable spark of Genius in him, and primed him very well for being exposed to the Book by visiting scholar Dr. Edmund A. I. Winthrop-Sussex.

Dr. Winthrop-Sussex is the man who saw about Nick's recruitment into the Etherite, and the Ethernauts. Honing his curiosity about the universe into a specific interest in exploring the universe and SEEING what was beyond.

Nick was supposed to go on to graduate school, get a Doctorate of Engineering, work a practical position with an Aerospace Engineering firm of some sort, and eventually launch into space and pave the path to greatness for all humanity. It was a natural and honored progression going back to the 1880s.

However things went BADLY wrong soon after Nick earned his Bachelor's Degree. The Avatar Storm left many Ethernauts dead or missing, and other signs showed of Bad Things Coming, whether you believed in the mystical talk of the End of the World or not.

Fortunately Dr. Winthrop-Sussex had enough pull with the Royal Ethernautical Society to get onto the Webb with a small team of assistants, Nick included.

And so, Adventure Awaiting, Nick packed what he could, and got out, ready to finish his education under Dr. Winthrop-Sussex, in space itself.

Nick's capability for advancement was of course limited with so many senior Ethernauts around. However over 20 years later, those senior Ethernauts are getting older. Slowing down, getting wrapped up in higher-order concerns, or just plain going mad with power as great Etherites tend to do. And so that leaves a chance for Nick finally to advance, and take a greater role among Ethernauts.

His expertise and training would leave him well suited to assist with the rebuilding of the Starbridge, having learned everything there was to learn about the Webb.

He'd like a command some day. Maybe to go see what actually happened to the Earth, before going out to the stars.

RP Hooks
  • Space

- Oversaw repairs and upgrades to The Starbridge -- Hull repaired, main star-drive repaired, Hawking Drive (FTL Travel) created

  • Science
  • The 80s

Nicolas Simmons


Class Mage /
Society of Ether/
Royal Ethernauts
Age 46
Demeanor Traditionalist
Hair/Eyes Sandy Brown / Green
Height / Weight 6'2" / 165 lbs
Ether 🔵🔵🔵🔵⚫️
Contiguous Ether 🔵🔵🔵🔵⚫️
Etheric and Mimetic Dimensions 🔵🔵🔵🔵⚫️
Energetic Physics 🔵🔵🔵⚫️⚫️
Etheric Chemistry and Engineering 🔵🔵⚫️⚫️⚫️




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