Family Life

From Ascension Sojourns
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Everything that is of importance to your character needs to be +noted, and that note needs to be approved by staff. If your character has a child or children, or adopts, or obtains a child in some way make a note and +request to staff.

IC: On December 10,2000 the Limited Population Act was implemented. A lottery shall be held every two years for committed couples to be permitted to have a child. "Committed Couple" may be any combination of genders. The number of 'winners' will be based on a various factors of current population.

System: The Nine Masters will announce when the lottery will open, close, and when the drawing will be held. Any Character desiring the chance to become a Parent should submit their name in whatever manner is posted. There is a required 9 month wait from "winning" to the child's appearance, and is restricted to one baby. (Per theme the realm is limited on the number of people it can support.) Winners will need write a +note documenting their child's desc and personality.