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This sphere will only be offered in limited numbers of slot once opened.<br><br>
This sphere will only be offered in limited numbers of slot once opened.<br><br>
M20 has expanded "Bygone" beyond the Bygone Beastiary from Revised edition. These mythical bygones still fall into this category. Also included under this category are: Constructs (Bioconstructs, Material Constructs, and Mental Constructs), Familiars (living spirit), Objects (NPC inanimate familiars), Reanimates (NPC only "zombies", "frankenstein", flesh golems, etc), or Robots (no robo-mages).<br><br>
'''For our purposes all "bygones" are either Custos (consors) or Familiars.'''
Step 1: Character Concept<br>
• Concept: Who were you before you encountered mages and their world?<br>
• Motivation: Why’d you get involved with them?<br>
• Affiliation: Traditions, <s>Technocracy</s>, Disparates, <s>Marauders</s>, <s>Nephandi</s>, or none?<br>
• Type: Are you an acolyte, consor, <s>hedge wizard</s>, familiar, or what?<br>
• Archetype (Nature and Demeanor)<br><br>
Step 2: Attributes and Abilities<br><br>
'''Step 3: Advantages''' FOR PLAYER CHARACTERS
• Background Traits: 5 (consors must put at least one dot into Mentor.)
• Special Advantages: Base 0 (limited to certain types of characters)
• Willpower: Base 5 (for PCs)
• Essence (for player characters): 1 (buy more with Freebies)
Per M20 Gods & Monsters pg 185, Player character familiars start with 1 essence and must by more with Freebies.
HR: We are applying this to all PC Bygones.
• Merits and Flaws: Standard
- Special Advantages: Base 0 (limited to certain types of characters and familiars, buy with freebies)
• Charms: Base 0. (familiars only)
• Freebie Points: -- Chargen defaults to 21 freebie points. It would require a rewrite of the entire room<br>
to separate it into two different values. Thus, if you are making a familiar, let Staff know in your approval <br>
job, and where you want your extra 4 points spent. Or they will be award as XP to start play with, your choice.
Consors and other skilled allies get 21 points.
Familiars get 25 points. <br><br>
'''Step 3: Advantages''' FOR NPC CHARACTERS
- Background Traits: 5 (consors must put at least one dot into Mentor.)
- Special Advantages: Base 0 (limited to certain types of characters)
- Willpower: Base 3
- Essence (for NPC Familiars): Willpower x 5
Acolytes and backup agents get 15 points.
Consors and other skilled allies get 21 points.
Familiars get 25 points.

Revision as of 07:35, 26 August 2023

Other References
Special Advantages Charms

This sphere will only be offered in limited numbers of slot once opened.

