
From Ascension Sojourns
Name Chargen Cost Desc
Airt Sense free A natural ability of all spirit entities, this Charm allows spirits to find their way through complex Otherworldly non-geography. To find a particular place, or to locate a given creature or spirit among the realms, the Storyteller may roll the tracking spirit’s Gnosis against a variable difficulty – 6 in most cases, 8 or 9 in the cases of obscure locations or powerful spirits. As an innate ability, this Charm costs no Essence to employ
Appear 10 Revealing itself in an immaterial form, an entity can use this Charm to manifest on the physical side of

the Gauntlet, unable to touch but also immune from being touched. Doing so costs 10 Essence when the spirit appears in a high-Gauntlet area, although it may cost fewer points (Storyteller’s option) in places or circumstances with especially low Gauntlet ratings (3 or less).

Armor 2 By spending two points of Essence, the spirit

gains a dice pool equal to its Gnosis rating; that soak pool applies to bashing and lethal damage. For one additional point per die, the Armor Charm may protect against aggravated damage too. Either way, the protection lasts until the end of the scene in which it is invoked. The spirit may invoke its armor at any point before an attacker rolls her damage against the spirit.

Blast 5 An all-purpose attack Charm, this power projects

damaging energies against the spirit’s opponents. Those energies cost one Essence per die of bashing damage, two Essence per die of lethal damage, and three Essence per die of aggravated damage. (For a deadlier option, the spirit may simply spend a point of Essence and roll the spirit’s Rage as aggravated damage, as seen in Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition. As noted above, however, this option may be too lethal for Mage chronicles.) Whatever type of damage it inflicts, the form of the Blast depends on the nature of the spirit; a fire elemental could breathe flame, a frost spirit might spin frost, a shrieking horror from beyond space might warp its target’s bones, and so forth. The spirit does not need to hit, and the attack cannot be dodged, although the Spirit Sphere can be used as countermagick against the Blast. As a rough guide to range, assume that this Charm can reach one yard for each point of Essence in the spirit’s permanent Essence Trait. An Essence 20 entity, then, could Blast an opponent from up to 20 yards away. Spending Essence does not decrease this range; that same entity could still Blast its opponent from 20 yards away even when its Essence has dropped to 5.

Blighted Touch 5 Invoking the essence of corruption, a

demonic entity can bring out a target’s worst qualities. If the spirit successfully inflicts damage upon its opponent – including damage at range, via the Blast charm –the target must make a Willpower roll, with the difficulty being the spirit’s Rage. If the target’s roll fails, the character’s worst qualities surge to the surface, making him aggressive, arrogant, lusty, depressive, or whatever else fits his personality. That change of personality lasts for several hours – generally an hour or so per point in the spirit’s Rage. If the player botches that Willpower roll, then the blight upon his character’s personality becomes more-or-less permanent.

Brand 5 Certain spirits of the Digital Web use this Charm

to brand netizens or other spirits with tags that identify the target even if she changes into some new shape. Three Essence inflicts a brand that lasts until the target leaves Netspace, and five Essence tags her with a brand that lasts indefinitely. (Storyteller’s discretion about how long the brand lasts and what it takes to remove it.) Typically employed by Free-Ranging Electronic Encroachment Kill Systems (FREEKS) and other countermeasure and security programs.

Break Reality 5 The hallmark of a chaos spirit, this Charm

changes the Umbral form of an object into some other – maybe radically different – form. A wall becomes mist, fire might become ice, a tree could become a fountain of water. To transform a given object, the Storyteller rolls that spirit’s Gnosis; simple transformations would be difficulty 4 or 5, with radical changes rated at difficulty

Calcify 5
Call for Aid 5
Cleanse the Blight 10
Cling 1
Control Electrical Systems 5
Corruption 1
Create Water 5
Create Fire 5
Create Wind 5
Death Fertility 5
Deflect Harm 5
Digital Disruption 5
Disable 5
Disorient 1
Dream Journey 15
Ease Pain 1
Element Sense 5
False Wealth 5
Feedback 5
Flee 2
Flood 1
Freeze 5
Good Luck Charm 5
Healing 5
Illuminate 5
Influence 3
Inhabit 5
Insight 10
Iron Will 1
Lightning Bolt 5
Jack In 5
Materialize 5
Meld 2
Mind Speech 5
Mirage 5
Mislead 5
Open Moon Bridge 5
Peek 5
Plant Command 5
Possession 10
Quake 5
Re-form 20
Rouse the Dead* 5
Sand Storm 1
Sand Swallow/Sinkhole 10
Shapeshift 5
Shatter Glass 5
Short Out 3
Smoke Screen/Blinding Fog 2
Solidify Reality 5
Soul Reading 3
Spirit Away 25
Spirit Gossip 5
Spirit Static 5
Swift Flight 1
System Havoc 5
Teleport 10 or 20
Terror 5
Track 5
Umbral Storm 5
Umbraquake 5
Updraft 5
Waves 5
Wish Fulfullment 5