Pete Carpenter

From Ascension Sojourns

ROSTER: This is a roster character.

11/21/23 - Available, App Required

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!


Pete grew up well-off enough to have private schools, private tutors, and private performances by headliner rock bands at his birthday parties. His parents has grand expectation of their son. A-honor roll. Aerospace engineer like they were. To the point they threw money at anyone and anything to make it happen, but Pete preferred being outdoors.

He often took matter that came up with "servants" to an extreme. When his personal trainer was found stealing the silver, Pete didn't tell his parents, but instead hired a paramilitary contractor to provide him with in-home training sessions in combat disciplines, survival tactics, and whatever other skills that company could provide a specialist to perform.

In his junior year Pete was visited by a Technocratic reconnaissance team, interrupting his sparring match with new partners at the gym. The Technocracy went to work destroying his life, with the purpose of being the only safe place he could find. Pete was first accused of cheating on mid-term exams and placed on Academic Probation by his college. Next, a neighbor in his dilapidated apartment building reported strange sounds and smells coming from his apartment, which was subsequently raided by heavily armed and armored SWAT followed by a forensic team looking for evidence of synthetic drug manufacture. What Pete didn't know is that his new sparring partner was Akashiyana, and had set their own plan into motion after the mirror shades interrupted at the gym.

Pete dropped out of college when he took his sparring partner's offer to enter into training, after it was explained to him what those men really wanted for him, and providing proof that they were the ones who got ruined his college career.

In the following years Pete awakened under the training of the Akashiyana. Knowing Pete's life on earth would be difficult, that the Technocracy has already marked Pete, when the word was quietly spread about Unity, his trainer strongly urged Pete to take up the offer of going to Unity. It was the only shot at any real life he had.

Most recently his big mouth got him in trouble with Aden Lott. His punishment was exile into the Akashiyana province of Mount Lukou to do hard labor providing various carpentry services. He is afford one room to live in that doubles as his sanctum. He is not allowed to barter for payment for his services as that is all handled by Aden. However, Aden gives him a small stipend to make sure he is fed, has a set of clothing or two, and little else.

RP Hooks
  • Original immigrant
  • Carpentry services

Relationships - PCs
  • Frea: Provided me a dinner, I made her an enchanced file for her work in payment
Relationships - NPCs
  • Aden Lott: My insult was grave, I will endeavor to control my will to speak.
Pete Carpenter


Class Akashiyana Jnani
Age 45
Dexterity - Hand-eye Coordination 🔴🔴🔴🔴⚫️
Crafts - Carpentry 🔴🔴🔴🔴⚫️
Blacklisted 3
Compulsive Speech 3


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