Modification and Repair

From Ascension Sojourns
Job Difficulty # of Successes
Diagnostics 6 5
Routine Maintenance 4 2
Simple Repair 4 3
Major Repair 7 10
Extensive Repair 7 20
Fitting New Part 6 10
Security Override #1 8 3
System Overhaul 7 15
Minor Modification 7 5
Major Modification 8 15
New Capabilities 8 20
Hotwiring #1 5 3
Strip-n-Chop #1 6 15
Electronic Malfunction 5 5
Technical Glitch 9 2
Jury-Rig +1 +2
Quick-n-Dirty +2 +3
On the Fly +3 +5

Notes: #1 = Can also involve Wits + Streetwise at +2 difficulty.

Quality of Device
Type of Device Difficulty Modifier
Junk -2
Cheap/ Poorly Made -1
Average Commercial Quality +0
Expensive/ High Quality +2
Custom Made +3
Cutting-Edge Prototype +4

Type of Invention Difficulty # of Successes
Moderate improvement on an existing device 8 5
Significant improvement on existing device 9 10
Brand new device based on new
or unconventional principles
10 20