Government and Law Enforcement

From Ascension Sojourns


The current government consists two groups that occassionally meet together to discuss issues.

The Council of Nine is made of up the nine mage founders of the realm. They act as the main ruling council. They act as judges in trials and have the final say in the approval of laws. This council is commonly called the 'Grand Council' amoung non-mages.

The Board of Voices is made of nine members of the non-mage population. Three of these seats are choosen by election every three years. Each member must be at least 18 years old to serve. There are currently no other restrictions on these members.

Government Building

The Unity Assembly Hall serves as both council house, court house and jail. This is located across from the Market Plaza in central Unity.

System of Law

Unity follows a system of law that is based on a particular philosophy rather than on a specific set of codified rules and statutes, typically referred to as a "natural law" system. Natural law is a theory that suggests that legal principles arise from the inherent nature of human society, ethics, and morality, rather than from explicit legislative enactment or judicial decisions.

Key characteristics of natural law include:

Moral Basis: Natural law is heavily grounded in moral principles and ethical considerations. It posits that there are universal moral standards that underpin legal systems and that these standards should guide the creation and interpretation of laws.

Universal Principles: Natural law advocates for the existence of certain universal truths and principles that are inherent in human nature and the human condition. These principles are considered to be valid across all cultures and societies.

Reason and Conscience: Under natural law, human reason and conscience are crucial in discerning and applying these universal principles. It emphasizes the role of reason in understanding moral truths and the importance of individual conscience in judging the fairness and justice of laws.

Dynamic and Adaptable: Unlike codified legal systems that rely on specific written statutes, natural law is more adaptable and can evolve with changes in societal values and understandings of morality.

Influence on Legal Systems: While no legal system is entirely based on natural law, many systems are influenced by its principles. Natural law often provides a foundation for critiquing existing laws and advocating for legal reforms that align more closely with moral and ethical standards.

In summary, natural law is more of a philosophical approach to law, emphasizing moral principles and ethical considerations as the foundation for legal systems, rather than relying solely on written statutes and regulations.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement in the realm consists of seven sheriffs that lead up to six deputies each. Though currently most only have one or two deputies. The deputies typically take the overnight watches, and help with paperwork and more tedious tasks.

There is one dispatcher, named Lucy. Lucy is an AI constructed by Mercurial Elites. She is available 24/7, requires no sleep, and is "everywhere". Every household has hand-held emergency device that when activated is the equivalent of a 911 to Lucy. These devices often take the form of primitive cell phones, walkie-talkies, and in at least one instance a giant red button under a protective glass dome.

Sheriff units have specially encrypted frequencies on their communication devices so the populace can't interfere in their work.

Unit # Sheriff Deputies Unit # Sheriff Deputies
1 Vance Ronda "Ronnie" Barber (NPC)
Micah "Mike" Lawton (NPC)
Dispatcher Lucy