Family Life

From Ascension Sojourns

Everything that is of importance to your character needs to be +noted, and that note needs to be approved by staff. If your character has a child or children, or adopts, or obtains a child in some way make a note and +request to staff.

IC: On December 10,2000 the Limited Population Act was implemented. A lottery shall be held every year for those that wish to have a child Icly. Those that enter must be in a committed relationship. The number of 'winners' will be based on a various factors of current population. This practice was suspended for five years on January 14, 2024 after the Wellspring was opened into a proper node.

System: Children are still to be considered wards, and need to be documented ICly and OOCly. Sending a +request before the child is born is required so that it may be noted, and appropriate merit/flaws set if appropriate.

Multiple bits of inspiration were taken from the Ascension series found on Youtube. It is a 3-part series we highly suggest you watch to understand the fullness of this Ic law.