Demon - General Help

From Ascension Sojourns

This sphere is currently Closed to RP


+reapmenu -->displays the following in-game:

The +reap commands are used by Demons to replenish faith. There are four methods for reaping faith - these are listed below. Use the method that best suits your character.

This system uses the core rulebook mandate: an opposed Willpower roll. It has, however, been adapted to simulate actual stats on the target. It is possible to Botch, Fail and Succeed an attempt to reap. Should you receive a Botch, you will be prevented from using the +reap system until you role-play the Botch with a Judge (they will be notified when this occurs). A Failure merely reveals the situation by which you failed. Please role-play this scenario as seems best for your character. A Success reveals the scenario and transfers 1 or 2 points of Faith to your character sheet. Please also role-play this situation according to the dictates of your character concept.

Valid Reaping Methods: +reap <method>

Torment: Evoke your Torment form to brutally reap faith from a mortal victim
Divine: Use your Angelic Form and goodwill to generate faith in your target
Terror: Use your Demonic Visage and hatred to terrify a mortal into True Belief
Inspire: Use your beautific nature to convert your target into a True Believer

Staff Info:

+BOTCH shows online players with botched hunt or reap rolls.
+UNBOTCH <player> removes the botch condition from <player>.


We will accomodate a Demon sphere not larger than 24 active character at any given time. This will allow the court to consist of 1 Lord, 5 Ministries and 14 others. See Lord below.

The Infernal Court

   When the Legions where created, Lucifer developed a strict Hierarchy system that was followed religiously. Rank and prestige was extremely important to all of the Fallen and still remained so in the Abyss and even now that those fallen have escaped. Once the fallen made there way from the Abyss, falling back into there rolls of rank became easy. Many would simply give themselves titles since their infernal lords were unable to escape the Abyss, whether it was to continue to serve that lord in his name, or your own deeds didn't matter. The ranking system much resembles the Feudal Nobility System:

Archduke - Overload

All ranks in this section are NPC only

Only the 5 Archdukes hold this title appointed by Lucifer and no one dares contest to that. The five Archdukes: Belial, Asmodeus, Abbadon, Dagon, and Azreal.


Each Archduke had a council of Dukes who would help be advisors and control hundred of thousands of there own forces beneath them. To this day no Fallen has claimed the rank of Duke outside of the Abyss. There are no known Dukes from the fall that have escaped the Abyss.


  • Watch over the land of Dukes
  • lead thousands of Fallen in defense and battle of there lands
  • were responsible for the watch of the mortals in there care.
  • An average Baron has at least 10 Fallen who have complete loyalty
to him, as well as many as 50-75 more to his disposal.


  • commanders of most of the forces Battalions and defenders of the Bastions created over the lands
  • responsible for hundreds of miles of land around them.
  • To this date no Overlord from the rebellion has escaped the Pit
  • that may control numerous towns in a region, or granted this position by a Baron.
  • personal Retinue of 8-10 Fallen, and the influence to command another 15 to 25 more.

Lord - Fell knight


Note: This is the current highest level of the Court on the game..

In the war the Lords where considered the Backbone of the ruling class. They headed the various watchtowers along the lands and commanded small forces reporting to there Overlords. They controlled land equal to a small country. In these times the Lord usually controls a large city or a number of smaller towns. He is supported by the 5 Ministries as his council. This title is also known as Regent or Tyrant in Modern times. A typical lord has up to 5 Fallen as his personal retinue and can command another 10-15 demons if needed.

Fell knight

The lowest of the ranks in the court. They proved themselves through Heroism and skill. Most Fell knights may have been given control over small locations, acting as Marshals. In modern times Fell knights could be given control of a Neighborhood or District under the Lord's decree, or may even hold a spot on the Ministries.

Surviving Death

When a demon character is reduced below incapacitated by lethal or aggravated damage the host body dies. In the next turn the demon manifests in his apocalyptic form hovering over the former host. The demon cannot physically affect anything by normal means. Nor can he be affected, with a few exceptions (Spirit rites/magics/spheres/awakened talismans ect are a few which can) The Demon's perceptions are altered; they can see living beings by their souls but can perceive inanimate objects only dimly. The Demon form is unaffected by gravity walls or other obstacles it can move in any direction flying willpower x5 miles each turn.

While the demon is unaffected by the physical world it is hardly in a good position. The moment the demon is severed from the physical host it immediately suffers the terrible pull from the abyss trying to draw it back into it's eternal prison. Each turn the demon exists in the physical world without a host the player must roll willpower vs 6 if he fails this roll the demon is sucked back into the abyss. Willpower may be spent to grant successes as normal. If the demon is sucked back the character is lost.

To survive the demon must find a new host. Yet doing so is difficult because the same restrictions apply when it escaped from Hell. It must possess a living body. The mind of the new host must be so far gone or the will to live no longer there to make a host body possessable, also it must be compatible with the demon's own resonance.

The act of possession requires a willpower roll against a difficulty of 8. Though the number drops to a 6 if the person is also one of the demon's thralls. The distance requirement is also not an issue if the person is a thrall. If the thrall accepts the demon willingly no roll is required. Note only a success is needed in this. This is why it sucks to be a thrall. If you are so possessed you loose your character immediately to the demon. Nothing can be done as your soul is pushed out and you 'die'. A permanent torment is gained by the demon from this and permanent faith point is lost.