Art System

From Ascension Sojourns

Successes - Judging Quality

1 success - Trash 10 successes - Popular Quality ~20 successes - Torries roll to not be enchanted. 30+ successes - Soul Shattering


When creating any form of art, a person first does a supplementary roll. This roll represents warming up, practicing before a performance, to planning and even sketches. The artist then does the main roll.

Dice System:

Supplemental Roll:

Charisma or Manipulation + Expression or Performance vs. 6

  • Each success is -1 diff on the main roll, no lower than diff 3.
  • For each botch there is a +1 diff on the main roll, no higher than diff 10.

Main Roll:

  • A botch indicates a ruined piece.
  • You can make an extended roll for the main roll. You can roll the number of times equal to the level you have in your artistic stat.
  • If you have a secondary skill, reduce listed difficulty by -1.
Art List 1 - Dexterity + <List 1> vs. 6
Stat Purpose
Artistic Expression Paintings, drawings and sometimes sculptures
Pottery Clay sculptures and wares
Crafts Tattoos, piercing, jewel-crafting, metalworking, others
Dancing any sort of dancing
Art List 2 -
Charisma or Manipulation + <List 2> vs. 6
Stat Purpose
Music playing instruments
Poetic Expression lyrics, poems, stories, plays
Art List 3 - Strength + <List 3> vs. 6
Stat Purpose
Gunsmith repair and creation of guns
Art List 4 - Intelligence + <List 4> vs. 6
Stat Purpose
Music writing musical scores
Gunsmith bullets, no supplemental roll needed

Misc: Perception + Photography vs. 6

Charisma VS Manipulation:

The use of charisma is done with self-expression, beautification and other expression. The use of manipulation is used for lying and the manipulation of others emotions. Lying does not get a supplemental roll (but perhaps if lying in a speech for example, the speech itself would).


Sometimes powers can be used to lower your difficulty, add successes or otherwise influence ones work.

Some of these powers include:

The Song of Pan
Matter 2
Mind 2
Soul Painting

All races have ways (other than mortals) to affect some art form with supernatural abilities. Abuse of these powers can reveal to the general public (or other undesirables) that there is something supernatural about a certain piece of work.


A character can roll on one large piece and one four piece per real life week. Once a week is up, staff can destroy old +notes recording destroyed, botched or scrapped pieces of work. Such works do count toward a character's production for that week.


A staffer will place a +note on the room, object or person with the +view with the following information:
Author: <Character Name>
Type: <Type of Piece>
Supplemental Roll: <Stat> + <Stat> at <#> Success(es)
Main Roll: <Stat> + <Stat> vs. <Diff>
Details: <#> Success(es) with <#> roll(s)
Additional Notes: <Powers used if any and their effects.>

This note is to be kept "Private" at all times. Another "Public" note can be added with information the public should know.