Setting - Freistatt, Minnesota

From Ascension Sojourns
Revision as of 09:40, 27 December 2023 by WikiStaff (talk | contribs)

Freistatt is a thriving, bustling metropolitan community in Minnesota, was originally founded in the late 1800's on the southwest side of a three-river convergence. Over the centuries the town and grown and spread to all side of the convergence and currently has a population 3.5 million. Despite this large population, the city is quite compact. An easy one-half to one hour drive will have you in more rural environments. As is typical of a lot of large cities, it is made of various suburbs that have been incorporated over time.

*DISCLAIMER: Geographic note, this city is loosely based on the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, and surrounding suburbs. Some geographical features of the area may be different in-game from real life.

Area History

The history of these United States follows the same timeline as real life history, for the most part. The timeline starts to diverge at the appearance of the red star, Talos (to those that could see it), at the end of President Clinton's term.

It took almost two decades for the timelines to diverge (Real life vs in-game). The first major change was that the second term of our first black president, President Obama, was followed by the election of the first female president, Dayna Chastain, in 2016, along with her vice president Jeni Betancourt.

The voting was contentious and resulted in debates over the use of "Rank Choice Voting" in Minnesota and Michigan, which eventually landed before the Supreme Court. The votes were recounted and verified, and Dayna won with less than a one-percent margin in both states.

This began a split between Democrats and Republicans, and their bases especially. As a result several liberal states moved to enact ranked choice voting, and conservative state legislatures banning it outright.

-- more to come --


All laws players are use to in the RL United States apply to this segment of the game. Where laws would differ between States, differ to Minnesota state laws.

Law enforcement consists of city police for the city proper, and Sheriffs for the more rural areas. If it not unusual to see Sheriffs in the city, especially around the government centers.

More to be written.