Setting - Freistatt, Minnesota

From Ascension Sojourns
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South Shore is a thriving, bustling metropolitan community in Minnesota, was originally founded in the late 1800's on the southwest side of a three-river convergence. Over the centuries the town and grown and spread to all side of the convergence and currently has a population 3.5 million. Despite this large population, the city is quite compact. An easy one-half to one hour drive will have you in more rural environments. As is typical of a lot of large cities, it is made of various suburbs that have been incorporated over time.

*DISCLAIMER: Geographic note, this city is loosely based on the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, and surrounding suburbs. Some geographical features of the area may be different in-game from real life.

Area History

The history of these United States follows the same timeline as real life history, for the most part. The timeline starts to diverge at the appearance of the red star, Talos (to those that could see it), at the end of President Clinton's term.

A tidal wave began to build deeply in the nation's sentiment. Things were whispered about in the shadows among the supernaturals about the omen that Talos represented. Mortals kept on doing what they did, unaware of the omen.

It took almost two decades for the timelines to diverge (Real life vs in-game). The first major change was that the second term of our first black president, President Obama, the first woman, Dayna Chastain, was elected president in 2017. She is currently on her second term in office.

Roe v. Wade was overturned. This led to a nearly immediate facture in states. It became an "free women's health" vs "No women's health" to put in simple terms. The country split quite violently. Texas was the first, using the Secession clause in its own constitution to close the boards and withdraw from the union. Other stats followed suit, Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Oklahoma. These states are

A suitable version of male birth control was approved by the FDA, after years of failures and community rejection. This 6-month implant has become available through planned parenthood, for free, across the nation. Planned Parenthood received increase funding for ad campaigns and administration fees to supply the implants.

Of course, this didn't sit well with some states, and certain groups of the population. The


All laws players are use to in the United States apply to this segment of the game. Where laws would differ between States, differ to Minnesota state laws.

Law enforcement consists of city police for the city proper, and Sheriffs for the more rural areas. If it not unusual to see Sheriffs in the city, especially around the government centers.

More to be written.