Space Map

From Ascension Sojourns
Revision as of 19:00, 4 August 2023 by WikiStaff (talk | contribs)
*Game Theme Note* The Society of Ether that migrated brought with them a few star charts.
The captain of the Starbridge, when it found Unity, shared its resources and maps. However,
the ship was badly damaged and low on fuel when it docked. The Starbridge has been in
dock for the past decade as the repairs are slow with the limits of the horizon realm.

Each square of this map equals approx 24 million miles of outter space. Other than this,
there is no scale represented in relation to RL astronomical phenomenon. With our scale,
Unity is the same distance from the sun as Jupiter is.
Talos is 3.95 Billion miles from the sun, despite our scale.

There is plenty out there to explore and spots to build. It will be very hard to, but
it is possible to put a spot on the maps.

This map represents a flattened version of our space grid. Any item marked on the map may
be on a different Z-axis than zero.

Unity Earth orbit Sol * * * * Talos
