Mercurial Elite

From Ascension Sojourns
Revision as of 09:15, 14 May 2023 by WikiStaff (talk | contribs)

Game Note: According to M20 the Virtual Adepts are on the cusp of becoming the Mercurial Elite. In-game we use the new name "Mercurial Elite" though reference material primarily refers to this tradition as Virtual Adepts.

Province name: 8L455 Integrated Development Environment
Doctrines Organization Initiation Affinity Spheres Focus
Sects Architectural Themes Characters


Merit-respecting anarchists, Adepts avoid standard organization and loathe conventional hierarchies. In the ‘90s, they based respect on eliteness: a form of peer recognition won through attitude and accomplishment. Though the tradition has matured and diversified since then, an Adept’s personal achievements – rather than titles or seniority – still mean everything in this group’s esteem.
Cleverness, wit, technological creativity, and an astute sense of sociological reform mean more than a snappy handle or a keen online icon. There’s a special reverence for Adepts who tear down oppressive social structures… and a vituperative loathing for ones who support such structures in Meatspace or the online world.


Virtual Adepts (Mercurial Elite) have a socially brutal initiation process. The idea of physical deprivation, master-apprentice challenges, or meditative spirit quests strikes them as absurd. Instead, Adepts typically give their aspirants and initiates cryptic missions to sabotage authoritarian structures, steal classified data, and create amusing pranks that undermine corrupt bastards and expose pompous windbags. At some critical juncture, the initiate gets left to fend for herself; a suitably imaginative (and hopefully stylish) resolution to the problem earns the accolades of peers and a place among the Adepts. In short, then, most Adepts enter the group through the grand Internet tradition of trolling.

Affinity Spheres

Correspondence (Data); Forces.


