Web Systems

From Ascension Sojourns
Revision as of 15:33, 27 April 2023 by WikiStaff (talk | contribs)

= Access

  • Sensory: VR gear; +1 to all difficulties; Intelligence = Strength, Wits = Dexterity; no physical presence in Web. No magick necessary.
  • Astral: VR gear; Correspondence 2; Intelligence + Computer, difficulty 7, three successes minimum; Intelligence = Strength, Wits = Dexterity; astral presence in Web. Coincidental magick.
  • Holistic: Trinary computer; Life 4/ Correspondence 2/ Forces 2; Intelligence + Computer, difficulty 7, five successes minimum; normal Traits, full physical presence in Web. Vulgar magick.


  • Basic Creation: Intelligence + Computer, difficulty 5. Three successes minimum.
  • Changing Icons: Manipulation + Computer, difficulty 5.
  • Appearance or Intimidation: One dot added per success.

Whiteout Severity

Successes Effect One The mage responsible for the crash suffers a soft de-rez. Two The responsible mage suffers a hard de-rez. Three That mage and all icons with 20’ of him get booted to another sector (soft de-rez). Four Every icon within 50’ suffers a hard de-rez. Five Every icon in the sector gets a soft de-rez; the responsible party suffers a hard de-rez. Six All icons within the sector endure a hard de-rez. The sector itself fuzzes and goes offline, as per Duration, below. The offender gets booted to a lost sector (Corrupted Web, Hung Sector, etc.). Seven+ The entire sector crashes, goes offline for the duration, and suffers long-term damage. All icons within the sector get de-rezed hard; offender may be chaos dumped. 10+ Sector trashed forever. Everyone inside that sector suffers hard de-rez. Offender disappears. Paradox Pool Duration 1-3 Less than a minute. 4-6 One to five minutes. 7-10 One to six hours. 11-13 One day. 14-16 One week. 17-20 A month or more. 20+ Trashed forever