
From Ascension Sojourns
Province name: Vertsea
Affinity Spheres Sects Characters

Tradition Concept/ Theme notes

The Verbenae of Unity are far less concerned with 'hereditary family' than those on Earth were. There are no Verbenae of "old bloodlines" in Unity, not enough time has passed for them to develop. Verbenae of all the sects migrated to the realm. However, Roxanne Murray, the Verbena founder of the realm, is of the MoonSeekers. This has colored the tradition within the realm, making them more open to possibilities, and change. There has been much change to embrace since migrating to the realm.

The Verbenae played an important part in founding the original council, before Horizon fell. The Verbena of Unity have taken their time to grieve, after all, Death to a Verbenae is but a doorway to a new birth. Then they got to work building Unity. Being known for their work with Life, and the tendency for certain merits to pool in this tradition, it was natural that they set up the first farms and ranches in the realm. The people needed to eat. With Quintessence and Tass being in short supply, some Verbena found a comfortable life for their family with the seasonal slaughter.


Modern divisions in thought within the Verbena mostly occur between the Wyckan bloodlines, the nonbloodline traditionalists, and the urban witches. The majority of the Gardeners of the Tree fall within the Wyckan bloodlines, while the Lifeweavers make up a large portion of the non-bloodline traditionalists. The Moon-Seekers and Twisters of Fate are most likely to adhere to the urban witch mindset, even if they are not themselves living or practicing in a city.

Affinity Spheres

