
From Ascension Sojourns
Revision as of 13:36, 13 August 2023 by WikiStaff (talk | contribs)

This page is for pre-made characters that need a player. For those not wanting to deal with chargen, the characters that don't require an application provide a quick way to get into the game. These characters are staff approved. Other characters require an application to play due to secrets they have, or their role in plots.

Secrets are to be kept SECRET and are meant to be RP'ed not discussed OOCly. Secrets are not be used as OOC justification for your IC actions. In other words, Joe shouldn't OOCly tell Mary after he slaps her that she has to let him get away with it because his secret is <zot>! Mary has every right ICly to do whatever is right for her character. Some

If you should take a roster character, and then idle out, they will be repassworded and added back to the roster for another player, if their story still makes sense for the game.

A word about these character page: These pages are non-edittable. If you play one of these characters please +request for changes to it.

In-game commands:
+roster -- gives a list of available characters

+roster/info <line number> -- Will give you the basic descriptive information about the character. Fullname, Application required?, race, gender, age (apparent), birthday, eyes, hair, height, weight, vocation, ooc-info, personality, description, family, and relationship.

+secrets -- some roster characters will have secrets. Some secrets are meant to help create plots. Some may be fatal if followed through, but that is the point. Some might just little chaotic, or funny, or just a little flavor to the character.

Rostered PCs

Name App Req? Sphere Nature / Demeanor Concept Vocation Notable Stats Other Notes
Lori Warren yes Mortal Survivor/Barterer Need a deal? Fixer Negotiation, Fast-Talk Applicant must have a good understanding of game theme. Approval probationary while learning game details
Kirk Holmes no Mortal Mad Scientist/
Expert Lab Tech Lab Assistant Science, Pharmacopoeia, Influence-medical

Pages in category "Rostered"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.