Template 3

From Ascension Sojourns

When you paste this code into your page, change all references to YOURcharNAMEHERE to name you've used for your character page. The references should then look like this: Marty/Facts. If you need additional help contact staff.

Template 3
Navigation: Information, Snapshots, Contacts, Quotes
Information Snapshots
Template 3/Facts Template 3/Snapshots
Contacts Quotes
Template 3/Hooks Template 3/Quotes

RP Logs

None yet.

<css> /* Wrapper around the table: sets text-color (and could change font)*/ .CTWrapper { width  : 900px; align  : center; background : #1d2e38; border  : 1px solid green; color  : silver; } /* Color of the Links, needs to be in the wrapper so it does not change * ALL the links, but only those of the actual content */ .CTWrapper a { color: gold; } .CTWrapper a :hover{ color: blue; } .CTWrapper a :visited{ color: gold; } .CTWrapper a:link { color: grey; } /* Design of the large Headers of the individual sections * in the Table (e.g.: INFORMATION) */ .CTHeader { color  : #f0f1f3; vertical-align  : center; font-size  : 22pt; font-family  : Palatino Linotype, Perpetua, serif; text-align  : center; padding-top  : 8px; font-variant  : small-caps; -moz-border-radius-topleft  : 15px 11px; -moz-border-radius-topright  : 15px 11px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius  : 15px 11px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius : 15px 11px } /* Color defition for the Table Cells */ .CTData { background-color : #1d2e38; margin  : 15px; color  : silver; } /* Alternative Color definition of Table Cells, aka: 2nd Color */ .CTData2 { background  : #000000; margin  : 15px; } /* Color and style of the box surrounding the Picture */ .CTBox { border-top  : 3px solid green; border-bottom : 1px solid green; border-right  : 2px solid green; border-left  : 2px solid green; background  : #f0f1f3; text-align  : center; margin  : 0px; } /* Color and Style of the large text under the picture. */ .CTBigText { font-size  : 48pt; font-family  : Palatino Lionotype, Perpetua, serif; font-variant : small-caps; text-align  : center; align  : center; text-shadow  : 1px 1px 3px #000000; color  : #1d2e38; } .CTTable { background: #f0f1f3; } /* Color and Stlye of the little navigation menu*/ .CTNav { color  : silver; text-align  : center; text-transform : uppercase; font-size  : 7pt; border-bottom  : 5px solid #1d2e38; } </css> <!-- Actual Content goes here --> <div class="CTWrapper"> <!-- Top Banner Start--> {| class="CTTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="900" |- |height = "13" class = "CTData2" colspan = "3"|   |- |height = "90" width = "150" class = "CTData" |   |rowspan = "2" width = "490" class = "CTBox" | [[File:XXX.jpg|center|390px]] <span class="CTBigText"> ''{{PAGENAME}}'' </span> |width = "150" class = "CTData"|   |- |- |height = "50" class = "CTData2" |  |class = "CTData2" |  |- |colspan = "3" class = "CTData2 CTNav" | '''Navigation:'' [[#I-Facts|Information]], [[#I-Gallery|Snapshots]], [[#I-Hooks|Contacts]], [[#I-Quotes|Quotes]]''''' |} <!-- Top Banner End--> <!-- Info Start --> {| width = "900px" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "0" class = "CTTable" | width = "50%" class = "CTData2 CTHeader" | <span id="I-Facts">Information</span> | | | width = "50%" class = "CTData2 CTHeader" | <span id="I-Gallery>Snapshots</span> |- | class = "CTData" | {{:{{PAGENAME}}/Facts}}<!-- Do not delete the ':' (colon)! --> | rowspan = "5" | | class = "CTData" | {{:{{PAGENAME}}/Snapshots}}<!-- Do not delete the ':' (colon)! --> |- | class = "CTData2 CTHeader" | <span id="I-Hooks">Contacts</span> | class = "CTData2 CTHeader" | <span id="I-Quotes">Quotes</span> |- | class = "CTData" | {{:{{PAGENAME}}/Hooks}}<!-- Do not delete the ':' (colon)! --> | class = "CTData" | {{:{{PAGENAME}}/Quotes}}<!-- Do not delete the ':' (colon)! --> |} <!--Info End --> </div> <!-- CTWrapper --> == RP Logs == {{ RP Logs | name = {{PAGENAME}} | columns = 4 | ordermethod = gamedate }} [[Category:ADD YOUR CATEGORIES]]