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= Visage Abilities =
= Visage Abilities =
You may buy low-torment powers for your high-torment form, but not vice versa.
You may buy low-torment powers for your high-torment form, but not vice versa.
==='''Common Visage Powers'''===
==='''Common Visage Powers'''===
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==='''House Specific Powers'''===
==='''House Specific Powers'''===

Revision as of 12:51, 2 February 2025

Visage Abilities

You may buy low-torment powers for your high-torment form, but not vice versa.

Common Visage Powers

Common Powers
Name Cost Definition
Armor 4 Your character has either stony hide or thick,leathery skin and is extremely hard to hurt. Add 4 dice to the demon's soak pool to resist bashing, leather and aggravated types of damage.
Casts No Reflections 2 The demon's image does not appear in mirrors nor can it be captured by cameras or on video.
Claws/Teeth 1 The character manifests claws and fangs that inflict Strength +2 aggrivated damage.
Damage Resistance 3 You are capable of shrugging off damage that would cripple a normal human. You may ignore wound penalities for the duration of the scene. Penalties for injuries incurred while in apocalyptic form apply again once human form is resumed.
Enhanced Ability 3 The difficulty on rolls involving any on -Ability- drop by two while the character is in "Angelic" or "Apocalyptic" form. Your ability is: (If it isn't listed here contact MB)
Enhanced Senses 3 Your five senses are heightened to superhuman levels, reducing the difficulty of Perception rolls by 2.
Enhanced Mental Acuity 4 You receive a mere taste of the clarity of thought you once knew. The character adds 4 dice to Mental Attributes in any combination at the player's discretion. Allotment must be determined at purchase and can not be changed. If you do not have a custom form in +shift set up for this, contact Staff.
Enchanced Social Traits 4 The character gains 4 dots to add to Social Attributes in any combination determined at chargen. May not be changed. This is handled by a custom +shift form. Contact staff if you do not have one.
Extra Actions 3 Faith points can be spent to gain extra actions in a turn at the rate of one point per action. These actions occur in order of descending initiative. If you roll an initiative of 7, you take your normal action on 7 and your extra action at 6. Player must decide to purchase extra actions at the beginning of a turn before any other actions have been taken.
Extra Health Levels 3 The character's vitality provides 3 extra -Bruised- health levels for purposes of absorbing bashing, lethal and aggravated damage.
%crExtra Limbs%cn 3 You grow a second set of arms or a prehensil tail, at the player's discretion. Extra arms allow a character either to parry or block hand-to-hand or melee attacks without sacrificing your own attack, or to make up to two additional attacks of your own per turn using your full dice pool. A prehensil tail is half of the character's height, uses only half of the character's strength (rounded down) to life objects and allows the character to hang suspended.
%crGaping Maw%cn 2 You can chew and digest anything you can get your teeth on. Metal, stone anf flesh can all be ground up and digested with ease. The difficulties of bite attacks decrease by 2, and the maw inflicts Str+4 aggravated damage.
%crHorns%cn 1 You have a pair of curved rams or bull's horns protruding from your forehead. It attacked in close combat, you make make a free counterattack. Roll Dexterity+Brawl, if successful, you inflict aggravated damage equal to Str-1.
Improved Attribute 3 One of the demon's attributes increases by 2 in Revelatory form. See staff to acquire a custom +shift form to handle this.
Improve Initiative 1 Add 2 to the your initiative scores.
Increased Size 3 Your body grows to a third again its own height, adding the following bonus traits: +2 Strength, +1 Stamina, and 1 extra Bruised level for the purpose of soaking Bashing, Lethal and Aggravated Damage. Difficulties to strike the character in ranged or melee combat drop by one.
%crLashing Tail%cn 1 You manifest a long, reptilian tail tipped with a curved, bony spike that inflicts Str-1 Aggravated Damage.
Pass Without Trace 2 The difficulty of your Stealth rolls decrease by 2 and your passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way. You leave no footprints and disturb no foliage.
Regeneration 4 You Regenerate 1 health level of Bashing OR Lethal damage per turn automatically as a reflexive action.
Wings 3 The character possesses a pair of raven wings that are a third again as tall as the character when completely unfurled. Wings allows the character to -glide- up to three times its running speed, but can not launch into flight or sustain flight without appropriate lores.

House Specific Powers

House Specific Powers
House Name Cost Definition
Devils Inhuman Allure 2 The character's voice and features are refined to inhuman perfection, adding the following bonus traits +2 Charisma, +1 Manipulation, +1 Appearance.
Devils Voice of the Damned 1 The Demon's voice booms with the authority of God. The difficulties of all Intimidation rolls decrease by 2.
Devils Radiant Aura 1 The character's body is wreathed in a corona of shifting, multicolored hues that distract and confuse their foes. The difficulty of all ranged attacks against the character increases by 1.
Devils %crThe Host%cn 2 Fanged mouths appear on the demon's body. The character inflicts Strength +3 aggrivated damage per turn with a successful grapple. When they are not otherwise occupied the mouths whisper blasphemies in any language the character knows.
Slayers Touch of Death 3 The demon must be able to touch his intented target to use this ability. This ability, when choosen as high torment, traps the hapless victim in their body while the demon inflicts whatever damage it wishes upon the victim. The target can escape by spending a willpower point but then must beat the demon in Dexterity+Brawl diff 7 to get away. Otherwise the power takes control again. Has no effect on demons or supernatural beings already dead.
Devils Lordly Mien 2 The character's aura of divine authority reduces the difficulty of Manipulation and Charisma rolls by 2.
Devils %crScales%cn 3 The character is covered with dark lustrous scales that provide 4 dice of armor protection against bashing, lethal and aggravated damage.
Defilers, Malefactors Alter Size 3 You can alter your physical size in order to slip through narrow gaps or crawl into impossibly small spaces. You can reduce your size to as little as a third of its original volume. The difficulties of attacks directed against the miniature demon increased by 2.
Defilers Distortion Your form shifts and shimmers as if the viewer were looking at you through water. The difficulties of all ranged attacks against you increase by 2, while close-combat attacks increase by 1. Other demons can resist these effect as they can other illusions with a Perception+Alertness=<the opposing demon's faith or torment, whichever is higher>
Defilers Enhanced Empathy The difficulties for all Empathy rolls decrease by 2.
Defilers, Fiends, Scourges Enhanced Intuition 1 The difficulties for all Intuition rolls decrease by 2.
Defilers, Malefactors %crIchor%cn A foul black ichor covers your body, making you difficult to grab or restrain. Difficulties of any grapple attempts directed at you increase by 2.
Defilers Immune to Electricity You suffer no damage from any kind of electricity-based attacks.
Defilers Improved Dexterity Add 2 to your Dexterity. Handled via a custom +shift form. See staff if you do not have one.
Defilers Ink Cloud You can expel a cloud of indigo ink that hangs in the air and blinds your foes. Individuals within a number of feet equal to your Faith score are blinded for a number of turns equal to your Torment, unless a successful Stamina roll is made. The cloud of ink lingers for a number of turns equal to the your Torment. Victims are subject to Blind Fighting rules. (see +news blind fighting)
Defilers Lyrical Voice The difficulties of all Leadership or Subterfuge rolls decrease by 2.
Defilers Sea's Beauty Your physical appearance, poise and grace leave humans in stupefied awe. You gain the following bonus traits +2 Charisma, +1 Manipulation, +2 Appearance. Handled via a custom +shift form. Contact staff if you do not have one.
Defilers %crShark Hide%cn Your shark-like skin acts as armor, providing 4 additional dice to soak Bashing, Lethal and Aggravated Damage.
Defilers Shocking Touch Your touch inflicts a number of bashing levels of damage equal to your Faith score. This special ability may be used one -once- per scene.
Defilers, Malefactors Spines 3 A long ruff of spines runs down your back and along the backs of your arms. You inflict an additional health level of Aggravated damage with every successful attack in unarmed combat.
Defilers %crVenom%cn Your saliva contains an intoxicating venom that affects a victim's will. If the victim is exposed to your saliva (through a successful bite attack, through an already open wound or via a kiss), they loose a number of Willpower points equal to -Your- Torment unless a successful Stamina=7 roll is made. If the victim looses all their Willpower in this fashion, they fall into a deathlike coma. The effects of the venom last for a number of days equal to your Torment.
Defilers Weather Sense You can always intuitively sense changes in the weather up to a distance of 10 miles times your Faith score.
Devils Beckon You're so beautiful that those who lay eye on you cannot help but follow, entranced by your preternatural charisma. Any mortal who fails a Revelation Check (Perception+awareness=10-total number of Faith points spent during the scene) must follow You as best as they can, keeping you in sight at all times. The mortal snaps out of his reverie if he is attacked or simply shaken. You may choose to turn this effect off at will
Devils %crCorrosive Spit%cn Your spit burns like acid. A bite inflicts an additional health level of Aggravated damage, or you can spit at a target up to 10 feet away with a successful Dexterity roll. The spittal inflicts 1 die of aggravated damage plus any extra successes rolled. Targets such as mortal that do not deal in aggravated damage suffer lethal damage instead.
Devils, Slayers Dread Gaze 4 Individuals (mortal and demon) who meet the demon's gaze and who fail a Willpower=7 roll must forfeit their actions for the turn.
Devils %crFiery Blood%cn Your blood burns like magma. Inflammable objects that touch more than a few drops burst into flame, and opponents in close combat suffer 1 level of Lethal damage each time they successfully inflict damage on you.
Devils, Malefactors Immunity to Fire 3 You take no damage for fire or heat of any kind.
Devils, Slayers Increased Awareness 2 Awareness rolls by 2.
Devils Affirm By making eye contact with a moral, you can reaffirm that mortal's place in God's plan. You roll Faith=6. If successful, the mortal regains a point of temporary Willpower.
Devils,Fiends Sense The Hidden 1 You are supernaturally adept at sensing mortals or demons who attempt to hide. The difficulties of all Perception rolls to detect hidden individuals %chwithin your line of sight%cn decreases by 2.
Devils Spark of Faith You can cause a mortal's Faith to flare up like a torch. You must be touching your target for this ability and make a Faith=<target's willpower> roll. If the roll is successful, you heal one health level of bashing damage per success. %crIf you possess this ability as high-Torment, roll Torment instead of Faith and -inflicts- a level of bashing damage per success.%cn
Devourers, Scourges Aura of Vitality 4 Living beings (plant or animal) within a number of yards equal to your Faith are infused with restorative energy. Individuals within this area heal any Bashing damage at a rate of 1 level per turn.
Devourers Chameleon Skin 1 Your skin allows you to blend in with your surroundings. The difficulty of all Stealth rolls decrease by one if you are on the move; two if you are standing still.
Devourers %crDisperse%cn 3 You can dissolve your body into a mass of maggots, spiders, insects or other tiny creatures. Roll your Torment=6. If the roll is successful, the transformation is instantaneous and you retain control over this swarm. You can use this power to flow through tight openings or simply to terrify opponents. You may choose to attack opponents while in this form. (See Swarm rules pg 74 D StC) Successful attacks inflict Aggravated damage.
Devourers %crFrenzy%cn 2 You fly into a rage, hurling yourself at your foes again and again despite the pain of your wounds. You are immune to wound penalities during frenzy, but you must make a Willpower roll each turn with a difficulty equal to your Torment. If the roll fails, you must attack the closest person, friend or foe, with whatever weapon is at hand. A Willpower point may be spent to gain an automatic success on this roll
Devourers Immune to Poison 3 You are immune to damage or impairment from toxins, including alcohol and nicotine.
Devourers Natural Weaponry 3 Each time this ability is purchased, the player can choose from the following abilities: Claws/Teeth, Gaping Maw, Horns, Lashing Tail or Spines. Note that these natural weapons are low-Torment abilities. For one form point less, each natural weapon chosen can be a high-Torment ability. (Contact staff to purchase more than once).
Devourers Nimble Hunter 3 The difficulties of all Athletics rolls decrease by 2 and leaping distance doubles.
Devourers %crPrimal Mind%cn 3 You can make contact with the small part of a mortal's mind that retains its ignorance, that remembers what it is to live only to survive like a beast. To use this ability, you must physically touch the target. Roll your Torment in a resisted roll against the mortal's Willpower (diff 6 on both rolls). If the demon wins, the human loses all Knowledge and most Skills (although such abilities as Stealth or Survival may remain at Storyteller's discretion) for one scene and generally acts on survival instinct -- fleeing from fire, attacking with tooth and claw if cornered, etc.
Devourers, Malefactors, Slayers Relentless 1 You can walk or run without need of rest, enabling yourself to cover superhuman distances without pause. As long as you stay in motion, you are unaffected by fatique or hunger.
Devourers Sun's Bounty 2 By standing in direct sunlight for 1 full hour, you can heal all bashing damage suffered or 1 level of lethal or aggravated damage. This power can be used only once per day.
Devourers Thick Hide 2 Your leather-like skin acts as armor, providing an additional 4 dice to soak bashing, lethal and aggravated damage.
Devourers Thorns 1 Your shoulders, chest and arms are covered with needle-sharp, black thorns that inflict one level of aggravated damage to any attacker who successfully strikes or grapples you in unarmed combat.
Devourers %crToxins%cn 3 Your claws and saliva are poisonous. Targets exposed to the venom (either by a successful claw or bite attack, through an open wound or via a kiss) are subject to a dice pool of lethal damaage equal to Your Torment. This damage can be soaked.
Fiends, Malefactors, Slayers Night Sight 2 You can see clearly in utter darkness.
Fiends %crRend The Soul%cn 3 You lay a hand on a target and show <the target>, for one split second, how infinitesimally small <the target> is in the grand scheme of Creation. Roll your Torment=7. For each success, the target loses one temporary Willpower point. If their Willpower score is reduced to zero, the target can do nothing but sit and weep. Demons are unaffected by this power.
Fiends %crAura of Misfortune%cn 3 Any individuals caught within a distance in yards equal to the Your Torment score suffer a botch on any roll of 1 or 2 successes.
Fiends, Scourges, Slayers Cloak of Shadows 2 You are shrouded in a pall of darkness, making your features difficult to see in the best light and rendering you nearly invisible at night. The difficulty of all Stealth rolls decreases by 2 whenever you stand in shadow or move in darkness. If you are attacked, rules for Blind Fighting apply to the attacker.
Fiends Eyes of Fate 4 You know instictively whether a given being is important to your plans. You roll perception+awareness=6. If the roll is successful, you gain a general sense of whether or not a target is potentially important to the your current plans or goals. As a side effect and at storyteller discretion, the Eyes of Fate can often detect whether or not a mortal has an especially high Faith Potential. (use of this power with staff oversight)
Fiends Sibilant Whispers 1 The difficulties of all Subterfuge rolls decrease by two.
Fiends Uearthly Glamour 1 The difficulties of all Manipulation rolls decrease by two. Demons (and thralls gifted with the power) are able to resist the effects of these illusions thanks to their inherit powers.
Fiends %crChimerical Attack%cn 3 The swirling illusions that surround the demon attack opponents engaged in close combat with the fallen. These chimerical figures have the same initiative as the demon, and they attack a single opponent in close-combat range. Use your Torment as the dice pool for the attack, inflicting a base damage of four dice plus any extra successes on the attack roll. This damage is aggravated.
Fiends Dread Mien 1 The difficulities of all Leadership and intimidation rolls decrease by 2.
Fiends, Scourges Enhanced Dodge 1 The difficulties of all Athletics rolls (when used for dodging only) decrease by 2.
Malefactors Thunderous Voice Your shout shatters glass and makes stone tremble. Individuals within a number of yards equal to the character's Assurance suffer 4 fice of bashing damage. This ability can be used only once per scene, and it requires an action to perform
Malefactors Tremor Sense 3 You can sense the slightest tremors passing through the earth around you, allowing you to sense even the stealthiest movements. You automatically act first in combat, and you cannot be surprised unless a foe scores more successes on a Wits+stealth roll than Your Assurance or Torment (depending on if this is purchased as high power or low power)
Malefactors, Slayers Conjuration 2 The character is capable of supernatural sleight of hand, seeming to conjure items out of thin air, only to make them vanish again with a flick of the wrist. You can draw an item from a pocket or conceal an item without detection on a successful Dexterity+Athletics roll.
Malefactors, Scourges, Slayers Dead Reckoning 1 Your character is always aware of where she is in relation to known landmarks, no matter how far away those landmarks are. Unless you are affected by spatially distorting evocations such as Warp Path, you can never lose your sense of direction.
Malefactors Iron Skin 3 Your stone-like skin acts as armor, providing 4 additional dice to soak bashing,lethal and aggravated damage.
Malefactors Irresitible Force 2 The difficulty of any feat of strength performed by the character decrease by 2.
Scourges %crMultiple Eyes%cn 2 You gain four to six extra eyes that sprout from your head or neck. These extra organs give you 360-degree vision and reduces the difficulty of all perception rolls by 2.
Scourges %crQuills%cn 1 Your shoulders and upper arms are covered with a ruff of sharp quills that pose a hazard to foes in close combat. An attacker who hits a demon in close combat suffers one health level of lethal damage unless the player makes a successful Dexterity=7 roll.
Scourges Supernatural Vision 1 You can see five times as far as a normal human can, allowing you to see objects at 50 yards as clearly as if they were 10 yards away as lon gas even a weak source of light (such as moonlight) is present. This effect also reduces the difficulty of all visual-based Perception rolls by 2.
Scourges Perfect Balance 1 The difficulties of all Athletics rolls involving leaping and tumbling are decreased by 2.
Scourges %crCaustic Bile%cn 2 You are capable of vomiting a stream of corrosive bile at your foes within a number of -feet- equal to your Assurance/Faith score. A successful Dexterity+athletics roll is needed to hit a target. The bile inflicts Strenght-1 Aggravated damage.
Irresistable Force The difficulty of any feat of strength decreases by -2.
Devourers Enhanced Survival 1 The difficulty of all survival rolls decrease by 2.
Malefactors Immune to Bashing Damage 4 You suffer no damage at all from any attack that would normally inflict bashing damage.
Malefactors Master Artisan 1 The difficulties of all Crafts rolls decrease by 2. (includes sub-crafting skills such as jeweler, painting, etc)
Magnetic Field The demon is surrounded by a magnetic fielf that is intense enough to disrupt electronic devices within a radius in yard equal to the demona's Faith
Scourges %crViscous Flesh%cn 2 The diseased flesh of the character sloughs away when it is pinned or trapped, leaving a would-be assailant covered in rotting flesh. The difficulty of grappling the demon increases by two, and the charcter can escape from bonds such as ropes or handcuffs with a successful Dexterity roll.
Slayers %crAura of Entropy%cn 2 Plants wilt in your presence, and living beaings are suffused with an icy chill that saps their strength. Mortals and other demons witihn a number of yards equal to your Faith loose one die from their dice pools unless a successful Stamina roll (diff 6) is made. The effects of this capability presist for the duration of the scene.
Slayers Ghost Sight 2 The angel can see the spirits of the dead that linger in the mortal realm, whether the ghosts wish to reveal themselves or not, with a successful Perception roll (diff 6).
Slayers Howl of the Damned 1 The voices of the dead echo in the demon’s words. The difficulties of all Intimidation rolls decrease by two.
Slayers 2 You are surrounded by an aura of fear that saps the will of your foes. Targets within a number of yards equal to the character's Faith lose their normal initiative unless a successful Willpower(Resolve) roll is made against the difficulty equal to your Torment. Affected individuals act last within a given turn. The Willpower(Resolve) roll is made every turn in which a person or another demon is in the character's apocalyptic presence. Normal initiative resumes for a victim as soon as successful Willpower (Resolve) roll is made.
Scourges Immune to Falling Damage 2 You can fall any distance and land safely on your feet.
Scourges Improved Physical Capabilities 3 You gain the following bonus traits +1 strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Stamina.
Scourges %crMiasma%cn 3 Your break reeks of gangrenous rot that can have a debilitating effect on your foes in close quarters. The demon can affect victims up to a distance in feet equal to your Faith score. Mortal and demons caught in the path of your exhalations forfeit their action for the turn unless a successful Stamina roll is made (Diff 7). If the Stamina roll botches, the victim is also infected by a virus or disease at the Storyteller's discretion.
Scourges Mist 4 You can summon up a concealing cloud of mist. Doing so requires a Faith or Torment roll (depending on whether the power is chosen as s high-torment capability) at difficulty 6; each success obscures a 100 square foot area. The mist lasts for one scene is conditions are good - a strong wing will blow the mist away in a few turns. High Torment applications of this power summon choking smoke instead.
Slayers Death Grip 4 You cling to life past the point of human endurance. If your host body suffers eight levels of lethal or aggravated damage, you an still hold onto life with a successful Willpower(Resolve) roll. If successful, the You fall into a coma until the following dawn, at which point you rise with one health level and one less temporary Faith. If you have no Faith remaining when you enter the coma, you loose a permanent Willpower(Resolve) point instead.
Slayers %crReaper's Breath%cn 3 You can exhale a chilling breath that affects victims up to a distance in feet equal to your Torment score. Mortals and demons caught in the path of your exhalation suffer a number of health levels of bashing damage equal to your Faith. This ability can be used only once per scene, and it has no effect on creatures that do not breathe.
Fiends Hypnotic Vision 3 The aura of light and shadow surrounding you distracts and disquiets the mind of your foe. An attacker's must make a Wits roll using your Assurance or Torment (depending if this is purchased as low or high torment). If the roll fails, the attacker may not act until the end of the turn. Demons (and thralls gifted with the power are able to resist the effects of these illusions thanks to their inherent powers.