Unity Horizon Realm Maps: Difference between revisions

From Ascension Sojourns
m (WikiStaff moved page Maps to Unity Horizon Realm Maps without leaving a redirect)

Revision as of 06:27, 26 December 2023

Always an Out: We've tried our best to make the main grid (not counting private builds) of any province lead to a portal stone if you get lost. Using 'o' or 'out' even if you don't see it on a street room, should move you somewhere. Please contact staff via +request if you find a street room this doesn't apply to.

Unity Horizon Realm map

                                       .'  Bacchanal   '.
                                       :                :
          ,------------,               |                |
        .' Mount Lokou  '.             |#139* -->       | 
        :                :             `.              .'
        |     <-- #147*  |               '------------'
        |                |
        `.              .'                                        ,-----------,
          ----------                                           .'   Vertsea    '.
                                                               :                :
                                                               |                |
                                 ,---------------,             | #146* --> #123 |
    ,------------,             .'      Unity      '.           `.              .' 
  .'  Shrine of   '.         .'                     `.            '------------'    
 :  the Holy Lake   :       :                         `;   
 |                  |       |           #102           |          ,-----------,    
 |    #477 <-- #138*|       |             |            |        .'   Lodge of   '.
 |                  |       |   #162 -- #432 -- #243   |        :   the  Raven   :
 `.               .'        |             |            |        |                |
   '-------------'          :           #168           ;        | #231* -->      | 
                             '.                       .         `.             .' 
                               `.                   ,'            '-----------' 
   ,-------------,               `-----------------'        
 ,'   Valley of   ',                                            ,----------,
 |     Solace       |                                         .' 8L455 IDE  '.
 |                  |                                         |              |
 |        <-- #141* |                                         |#140*         |
 |                  |                                         |    \         |      
  `.               .'                                         |              |  
    '-------------'                                            `------------'
                      ,-------------,       ,--------------,
                    .'  Augury Tower '.   .'     Walden     '.
                    |                 |   |  Cybernautical   |
                    |      #143*      |   |      College     |
                    |        |        |   |      #144*       |
                    |                 |   |        |         |
                    `.               ,'   |                  |
                       `------------'      `-----------------'

Unity Province Maps

Space Map

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